Life, Teaching, and Research
Scholarships: 1996 - 2010
•The scholarship for attending the Training Program on Environmental Protection for Thailand-Life Cycle Assessment ($100,000 Yen), December 7–17, 2010.
•A one-year Hudson River Graduate Fellowship ($16,000 USD), June 2006–May 2007.
•Partly tuition support for the fall semester of 2006 ($8,000 USD), August–December 2006.
•Funding supports for field observations, academic training, and conference meetings (2002–2006).
•The full scholarship support for studying a Ph.D. program in Natural Resources at Cornell University (approximately $188,000 USD), (2001-June 2006).
•The Biodiversity Research Grant for completing a Master research ($80,000 Thai Baht), 1997 - 1999.
•The environmental scholarship for studying a Master Program in Environmental Science ($200,000 Thai Baht), 1996 - 1999.
Awarded by the Chin Sophonpanich Foundation for Environment, Thailand.
Imagination is more important than knowledge (Einstein 1931)